The main male organ is rarely very large: more than half of boys want to enlarge the genitals. Even if the penis meets medical standards, giving a confident 13-17 cm during "upgrade" is definitely not the last dream! Not for men, not for partners.
By default, when talking about size, they mean length during an erection. It is measured by the size of a ruler or ribbon - from the pubic bone to the tip of the head. If the length is more than 7 cm, it is no longer "micropenis". But it's too early to congratulate yourself, because they look like a 17-centimeter penis is not the largest.
Radical solution - surgery
When it comes to growing up, the first thing that comes to the minds of boys is surgery. Modern medicine offers several types of surgery:
- Cutting the ligament that holds part of the body inside the body helps to gain 1-2 centimeters of extra length;
- To increase the length and thickness, the patient's own fat is injected into the penis shaft;
- A collagen matrix is installed, which allows the connective tissue to actively grow in a man for half a year - the matrix is absorbed at the same time, only sexual intercourse is completely contraindicated;
- Hyaluronic acid is injected - this method was previously actively used, now it is considered obsolete, especially if the procedure needs to be repeated regularly.

Disadvantages of any operation: prolonged rehabilitation with fear, pain, abstinence. Again - a "bonus" perspective to achieve penile curvature or even impotence. Of course, it depends on how much the clinic has proven, how straight the surgeon's hands are, but it is still dangerous.
The good news is that you don't have to take "aggregate" risks: there are many ways to enlarge your penis at home. Bad news. . . There is no bad news, but there is an important point: you need to choose the method carefully so as not to hurt yourself and not spend money.
What to do: Working methods for penis enlargement without surgery
It is important not to confuse the growth of the phallus with an erection. The visual penis, of course, looks bigger when it is erect.
But only because of the blood flow to the cave objects. Work methods that allow you to really enlarge your penis are constantly growing.
They simply increase the sex organ forever - it will be bigger, both with a "booster" and in a quiet state.
Don't believe the "received +5 cm a month" ads from the series. Non-surgical penis enlargement methods do not work so fast: you have to spend at least six months. The results are not heaven: the penis stretches two, three, a maximum of four centimeters. But in fact, it is more than enough. And again - it works, money does not fly.
Jelqing: For masters of self-discipline
Not only grandfather's method of penis enlargement, but also grandfather's method. It really works. No need to spend money. No operation required. No dangerous hormones. So what could be wrong?
Spoiler: you have to spend a lot of time and effort. Thus, it is really only suitable for those who have attained enlightenment and have gained Zen Buddhist patience.
Jelqing is a special massage of the penis. There is no special secret. Half an hour, an hour every day is enough for this, and it is better to massage the phallus for a longer time according to the instructions.
Disadvantages that can be considered disadvantages:
- In addition to training in the gym, it requires a lot of time and effort;
- Suitable for home living only;
- There is a risk of penile damage due to incorrect movements.
You can really increase the size. Of course, if everything is done correctly. And if you do not get tired of killing for an hour or two every day.
Homemade hanging weights
A method that competes with jelking in ancient times. The essence is very simple: the penis is gradually tightened with the help of weights for growth. They did this in prehistoric times. Today's technique at home is similar to this: an adhesive plaster is glued near the head and a cord is tied, for which the load is hung and then held at the right time. They start with about half an hour, then increase the weight and time.
The cavernous bodies and ligaments of the penis really stretch. But there are some disadvantages:
- If it is not enough to heat the penis with a massage, the method will be of no use;
- When iterating according to weight or duration, instead of increasing the member, it will stretch;
- The risk of "gaining" side effects is high - from pain and anxiety to potential deterioration.
In general, the method works, but it is not very suitable for those who still want to maintain their dignity and keep it healthy without risking it again.
Expanders are better than any weight
In our time, it is no longer necessary to "make home". After all, the principle of mechanical load is a lot for penis enlargement. It is only important to use this principle correctly. This is what the creators of extensions have adopted - devices that you can increase in length and circumference in a relatively short time.
What happened to the developers of the expander? It has a number of advantages over a home-made suspension system:
- The mechanism is very easy to use, you don't have to be smart with something to patch and cord;
- It is easier to adjust the load on the penis - the risk of overtaking and stretching is reduced to zero;
- Minimal time and effort is spent - those who have already mastered the jelting and are tired of it will double the value of the expander.
At the same time, within a few months, the genitals actually stretch a few centimeters and become slightly thicker. The process was tested by inviting volunteers - they confirmed that it worked.
Potential amplifiers and other auxiliaries
Libido is not always ideal, not for everyone. Adverse effects are given by age, stress, fatigue and more. Therefore, there are many tools that improve potential. It is important to understand in which cases the "stone lifter" also helps to increase the length.
Lubricants, lubricants to improve sex life
Types of compositions for sale:
- Quick action - you should use it immediately before sexual intercourse to make the erection stronger and stronger, the genitals themselves look bigger than this, but in fact remain the same;
- Warming - normalizes blood flow, helps fight blood clots, warms the penis, can be used during jelqing and as an adjunct when wearing an expander.
It is necessary to read the composition before using a lubricant. Sometimes there is an allergy, there is an individual intolerance to the components.
But it is not worth believing in the advertising of gels that promise to enlarge the genitals without intense sex and hard work all night. So far, there are no "magic" ointments that can be applied to the skin of the penis to make it grow on its own.
Pills, dietary supplements, hormonal drugs
The main thing is that no medicine, no dietary supplement will enlarge the body. It is better not to self-medicate and take medication only with a doctor's prescription, even dietary supplements.
This does not mean that drugs and supplements are generally useless. They are, for example:
- Normalize blood flow, relieve congestion, improve blood supply to the penis;
- Provide the body with vitamins and trace elements so that there are no problems with erection and sexual intercourse in general;
- To help prevent and treat male diseases, so there are problems in sexual life, among other things.
In all cases, read the instructions carefully: dosage, contraindications, what to say about side effects. If you exceed the limit, then even the most useful pill will be harmful.
As with lubricants, it's hard to believe the stories of "magic" capsules that increase a few inches a month. This is simply not the case. However, some pills can help you grow by creating good conditions for growth. If your body does not have the necessary elements or vitamins, growth can be very slow. An example of such an element is L-arginine, which is the building block of protein and is simply necessary for growth. Supplements with arginine, vitamin complexes - it is recommended to include in your diet if you are serious about increasing it.
Hormones are a different story. For penis enlargement, they are prescribed only for adolescents or with "micropenis" syndrome. When upright, it is less than 7 cm. For anyone who is already an adult and has a penis 8 cm or more, taking hormones is not only useless, but also harmful - no normal doctor will prescribe them to increase their size.
Pumps - why it is important to use them wisely
Another useful invention is a pump that achieves a powerful "booster" in a matter of minutes. Such a device has a number of advantages:
- The effect is achieved without a medical effect on the body due to the vacuum, so there will be no side effects like drugs;
- Erection is inevitable, the pump works even with impotence, because there is no reception against the vacuum, almost against the crumbs;
- The penis is better supplied with blood, the sensations are brighter, sexual intercourse is stronger, there are more feelings and the effect lasts at least half an hour.
You must use the pump according to the instructions without moving too much. Before use, doctors recommend warming the penis with a light massage. This is to avoid damaging the ships.
There is also a new version of the pump, in which the penis is tightened with water, not with a vacuum. These are hydropumps for the penis where only hot water comes in contact with the skin. Therefore, the hydropomp does not damage the skin and does not cause swelling of the genitals. If you train with a hydropump for a few months, you can grow a few centimeters around. The pump well mainly completes the techniques that work for length - extension, manual extension and suspension. Different loads help to accelerate growth.
Soda and other folk remedies are affected
Looking for ways to enlarge your penis, you can find "one hundred percent working" options from people who call themselves traditional healers. It is always better to play it safer and consult a urologist. Sometimes the cost of a mistake is well-being, health, and even life.
Sometimes "traditional medicine" really works. However, it is better to follow the instructions on the principle of "trust, but check".
Herbal infusions, baths
Although Chinese medicine is not limited to this, it is often mentioned. Among the plants, there are dozens and hundreds of species used for medicinal purposes. Sometimes fresh, but more often dried: infused, drunk, bathed, rubbed into the skin.
Like dietary supplements, herbs can be helpful. Most of them:
- Help fight diseases of the genitourinary system;
- They normalize the blood supply, improve blood flow - and are as important to a member as anything else;
- They relieve stress, anxiety, balance the mood, enrich sex life.
In any case, these are side effects. Herbs by themselves do not help increase the size of a man's dignity. Self-medication can be harmful if you overdose on servings and don't control allergies in advance.
Honey, soda, stars, other ingredients
Common sense has not been abolished. If there really was a public, safe, cheap way to enlarge your penis without any effort, then all expander and pump sellers would have gone bankrupt long ago. Surgeons who operated would lose their clients.
The Internet is full of recipes, the authors promise to increase the length, for example:
- Take honey in a certain dose (one tablespoon per day), separately, dissolved in water or mixed with walnuts;
- Chewing propolis, perga (pollen processed by bees), beeswax, bee milk and other bee waste products;
- Use apitherapy (a painful procedure in which bees sting the skin of the penis and their venom dilates blood vessels);
- Drink a glass of water with a spoonful of soda dissolved every day (may adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract);
- Arrange soda baths (one teaspoon per 200 ml of water) for the genitals every morning and evening, and do not wash the mixture, wait until it dries;
- Similarly, it is recommended to rub the body in the morning and evening with a solution of essential oils, menthol toothpaste, the legendary star balm (by the way, its main components are menthol and essential oils).
Such instructions should be considered individually. It is definitely better not to experiment with some, for example, if you offer to take a bath from soda or expose yourself to bee stings. This is not due to the growth of a real penis. Just because of the blood flow, the phallus is temporarily stretched, that is, it does not stretch, but is damaged.
Some options give really useful effects. For example, honey increases immunity, and propolis reduces the risk of developing urological diseases. It's just that the penis doesn't grow, it doesn't even tend to. And you can find side effects in any of the "folk recipes", so you need to be careful with them.
Does masturbation help?
And that would be absolutely perfect. All that remains is to "joke" with yourself from time to time, to relax and have fun.
But will this help the "aggregate" to be bigger, thicker, longer? In short: no, it will not.
Even the infamous jelqing is a massage, not a masturbation. Yes, there is a real difference. The practice of massage implies that a man does not bring himself to a 100% erection, or even more "eruption". In Jelqing, the penis is heated to a "slightly elevated" position. They already massage, stretching the load for an hour, preferably twice. Due to this prolonged exposure, the penis "trains" and grows.
Jelqing is less enjoyable, on the contrary: it is long and tiring. The key to masturbation is to enjoy the process more and get to the finals. Some people create a "blitz" for themselves using a few free minutes. Someone, on the contrary, tries to prolong the pleasure. But neither the first nor the second will enlarge your penis. It will be possible to rub the skin with maximum effort every day, even several times a day.
However, sexual activity is more beneficial than its absence. No one accepts masturbation, although it is rare. It often complements or replaces sex. It is normal to keep yourself in good shape, even partially training in this way. However, the effect of "training" cannot be compared with extensible or other methods.
Scam methods that never work
The so-called amulets, conspiracies and other "magic" can be attributed to undeniable counterfeiters. The authors of such "methods" offer penis enlargement with the help of "magic" objects, certain rituals or rituals (certainly not free). Such suggestions should not be taken lightly:
- Any "magic" is anti-scientific in itself, and it is impossible to affect the body with its help;
- No such "method" can withstand the test of experience, there is no confirmatory medical research;
- Advertising is based on both psychological manipulation and human laziness - as if you can get results without any effort.
Sometimes under such advertisements there are even comments and comments from children. Of course, all this is normal and unrealistic.
Corollary: It is realistic to increase the size of your penis at home
Here are some important points to keep in mind:
- Surgery is not the only way. If surgeons suddenly claim the opposite, it makes sense: their main goal is to gain new clients;
- Some methods work, but there are disadvantages. For example, jelqing requires self-discipline, is time consuming, and home-made weights pose a high risk of injury;
- The most effective are proven, certified devices, especially expanders and pumps. Take the device once, then use it according to the instructions - the effect will definitely be;
- Lubricants, lubricants, pills, dietary supplements - all this sometimes works as a "nice bonus", improves sex life. It is also possible to accelerate the growth of the penis - but only if the technique is already applied.
However, hormones are not an option you should openly address. With their help, only "micropenis" is treated in children and adolescents. For sexually mature children, adult men, this will not help, but it will hurt.
You also need to be careful with "folk medicine". Some tools are useful, although their members still do not grow. Sometimes allergies are felt, especially if you overdose.
If you use real, working methods, then the member will really "grow". Sex will be more pleasant, self-confidence will increase, and women will have breathtaking orgasms - recognition and gratitude, of course, will not take long.