Dissatisfaction with the size of the penis can be a serious obstacle to building a man's private life. For this reason, he often faces constant stress and self-doubt. When it comes to penis enlargement, there are good reviews about pumps. In the article we will explain what a penis device is, what types of devices are available and how to use them.

Types and features
Despite the external differences, the mechanism of action of the pumps is very similar. With the help of a vacuum, any device creates a low-pressure environment, which causes blood to be actively pumped into the penis along the pressure gradient. Filling the hepatic cavernosa of the penis with blood will increase the size by a few centimeters. The number of cm in which the body "grows" will depend on many factors: tissue plasticity, the age of the man, anatomical features. Therefore, it is not always possible to predict the outcome of use.
Penis enlargement pump classification:
- By hand.The advantage of handheld devices is that they are cheap. The disadvantage of the device for men is the need to manually create a vacuum.
- Electric.The device is very easy to operate. The device uses electricity to create space. Control - push the button. Men point out the price as a drawback.
- Su.A new device that has not been sufficiently tested by local consumers. The manufacturers claim that the device is easy and safe to use, and in terms of penis enlargement, the efficiency in no way lags behind the "classic" models.
There are subtypes of devices that can increase the size of the penis. For example, to move only the upper part of the penis. The effectiveness of such a device is questionable, as it is not entirely clear how the vacuum is created, whether the penile tissues are compressed, and whether the mechanism of action is sufficiently safe.
Latest news
A review of new products will take up more than a page of printed text, so let's focus on the most popular devices you need to buy from a network or nearby stores:
- Electrical device. In addition to increasing the size of the pump, according to the instructions, it can give real pleasure to the user due to the vibrating vibrations. Sold complete with a control panel. Absolute sealing of the device is possible thanks to a strong seal. To prevent damage to the body, the manufacturer has equipped the penis apparatus with a cap that eliminates excessive stress. The price is very high.
- Manual pump. On the plus side, the cost is very affordable. According to the description, a simple vacuum pump will add a few centimeters to the penis, cause a stronger erection and eliminate sexual impotence.
- Hydraulic vacuum device. The manufacturer promises such efficiency in the most desperate cases. The device works thanks to a hydraulic vacuum pump; A special rubber crimp attached to the base helps to inject water into the device. According to the instructions, the device will help to enlarge the penis of men who have already lost their sexual health. These are the words in the description. The cost of the pump is very high.
- Pump. Convenience and simplicity - this is the motto that characterizes the product. According to the mechanism of action, the pump belongs to the usual hand devices equipped with a vacuum lamp-pear for air suction.
- Vacuum pump. The assessments allow the advantage to be that the fault relief valve installed inside the pump, the large diameter of the device, the measuring ruler on the device, and the recording of the results. Among the disadvantages: a strong suction effect. Some men do not like a rubber ring that tightens the skin a little, so it is necessary to add a nozzle made of a pleasant material (leather, leather). Average price.
- A pump to affect the head of the penis. It has a convenient adjustment device consisting of 2 buttons. Easy to use. The pump will give a few inches while helping the person have fun. The device is only 10 cm in size and 5 cm in diameter.

Pump selection is a responsible job. Some men may not be lucky the first time, so it's not worth buying the most expensive device right away. It is better to try the device at a reasonable price, and then if the result is satisfactory in terms of penis enlargement, it is more difficult to buy a new product.
Application mode
The method of application depends mainly on the characteristics of the device. We will first acquaint you with the general rules for the operation of pumps. General instructions for use:
- The pump needs to be developed. The appliance must be washed under hot water using detergents that do not damage the pump material. Use hot water, chemicals are prohibited.
- It is forbidden to throw, hit or squeeze the product!
- The pumps are stored in a place protected from direct sunlight, the storage temperature does not exceed 35 degrees.
Additional recommendations apply to the use of vacuum pumps. Before applying the pump, the product or skin of the penis should be treated with a special lubricant. The use of oil and improvised means is unacceptable. It is preferable to take a fat-based base. On the penis itself, in addition to lubrication, you can apply a cream to make the penis tissue grow and stretch better.
The penis is then inserted into the device and air is injected. Negative pressure inside is created by the injection of air, and blood enters the penis along the pressure gradient. The device should be held in the free hand, the other is pumping the pear. Caution: If air is not released, check the valve. Must be connected!
It is necessary to "work" until the penis is slightly red and the blood rushes (erection). The vacuum is maintained for up to 30 seconds. There should be no obvious pain, bruising or cutting when using the pump. After 30 seconds, the valve opens and air enters the pump. The next "approach" is performed after the disappearance of the erection. A procedure with the device does not take more than 15-20 minutes.
The first time you should use the tool once every 2 days, then every day for 2 weeks. It is better to perform the procedure 1-2 hours before bedtime. The duration of the initial exposure should not exceed 1 minute and can be increased from the 3rd week to 2 minutes. It is allowed to use an erection ring attached to the bottom of the penis in parallel with the pump. The device delays blood flow and helps maintain an erection for a longer period of time.
Similarly, the use of electricity, the device just blows air alone with the push of a button. There are differences in the operation of the hydraulic pump. It is better to do the procedure in the shower or bath. First, the device is filled with water and pressed firmly to the body. At the same time, a man can take a bath by partially immersing his penis in water. After that, with both hands, you must carefully press the pump several times, so that water comes out of the device through the valve and a vacuum is created.
In addition, the man is advised to just relax and lie down for 1-2 minutes. Operating conditions are the same as for vacuum hand pumps: no visible discomfort! After the allotted time, you should reduce the pressure, remove the device and massage the penis for about 30 seconds. You can move 3 times a day for 15 minutes.
Contraindications to the use of pumps can be absolute or relative. The absolute ones are:
- Diabetes.
- Severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system.
- Phimosis, paraphimosis, similar diseases of the penis.
- Especially blood diseases accompanied by an increased risk of bruising and bleeding.
- Anomalies in the anatomical development of the penis.
- Increased propensity to thrombosis.
- Inguinal hernia.
Relative contraindications include damage to the skin of the penis and scalp, skin diseases. You cannot perform the procedure for sexually transmitted infections.
Excess and negative
The undoubted advantage of use is an increase in the penis without complicated surgery, and this is generally a long recovery period. The procedure does not require a man to stop his daily activities: it is enough to take care of 15-20 minutes of his personal time. An additional advantage is that there is no need to consult a doctor, as the pump can be ordered anonymously online. This condition can be dangerous if a man has at least one contraindication that only a specialist can know. In this case, the procedure of enlarging the penis with a pump can cause serious complications.
Disadvantages and complications:
- Rotten and painful. The penis can be damaged like any other organ. By the way, there is a medical term such as fracture of a limb that occurs as a result of physical injury to a limb.
- Penile edema (probably associated with blood clots and subcutaneous hematoma).
- Many men distinguish the instability of the effect from the disadvantages: as soon as the erection disappears, the penis returns to the same size.
After analyzing all of the above and reading the opinions of experts, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the procedure depends to some extent on the individual characteristics of the man. It is impossible to predict that penile tissue can expand and other important features. In any case, the pump will allow you to diversify your sex life, give new feelings and perhaps a new look at the capabilities of your body.